Dec 24, 2023
Life After the Manger: Living in Unity

- Dec 24, 2023Life After the Manger: Living in Unity
Dec 24, 2023Life After the Manger: Living in Unity
It seems that unity is in short supply this Christmas season. We see disunity taken to its extreme in the armed conflicts around our world. We see disunity in our government. We sadly can sometimes see disunity in our families and even our churches. What did Jesus mean when he prayed for all who believe to be one as he and the Father are one? How can we take the faux unity that happens at Christmas and be examples of true unity after the manger?
- Dec 17, 2023Life after the Manger: Living to the Full (John 10)
Dec 17, 2023Life after the Manger: Living to the Full (John 10)
Abundance. Having enough. Being satisfied. These are the sentiments of a full life. It seems that when we think in terms of abundance we think in terms of that which is tangible. Is it possible to have a full life and yet not have any of the trappings of a consumerist culture. We will explore what Jesus meant by giving life to the full or in abundance.
- Dec 10, 2023Living Life as a Light (John 8:12; 12:44-50)
Dec 10, 2023Living Life as a Light (John 8:12; 12:44-50)
This is the season of light. We decorate with lights. Our Jewish friends are celebrating Hannukah which is a time that commemorates a miracle of light. What does it mean to live a life that is illuminated by the reality of Jesus? How do we live in the light and as a light long after we have put all the decorations and the lights away for another year? Living in the light is truly a life lived by faith.
- Dec 3, 2023Living Out True Love (1 John 4:7-12)
Dec 3, 2023Living Out True Love (1 John 4:7-12)
This season is so often called a time of love and kindness and giving. And yet all too often our acts of love are tainted by conditions. How often do we feel that we need to give someone a gift to "repay" them for the gift they gave us? Life after the manger is a life best lived in true selfless love as we love others the way our God loves us.