Aug 2, 2020
A Primer on Fasting and Prayer

- Aug 2, 2020A Primer on Fasting and Prayer
Aug 2, 2020A Primer on Fasting and Prayer
Numerous times throughout the Bible we find the people of God setting aside a specific time for fasting and prayer. While the occasions may be different and the presenting purpose unique, the underlying reality is that the people want God to be the focus. As we prepare for a day of fasting and prayer on Sunday, August 9, we will take time to review and discover reasons to fast and pray and practical realities we all must consider.
- Jul 26, 2020Offer Hospitality to One Another
Jul 26, 2020Offer Hospitality to One AnotherSeries: One Another Series 2020
Throughout the Bible we find the concept of hospitality being held in high regard. It seems that in the ancient world showing hospitality to all, especially strangers and travelers was very important. It stands to reason that if God places a premium on hospitality then we should as well. We will look at the biblical understanding of hospitality and learn how we can apply it to our lives today.
- Jul 19, 2020Be Loyal to and Value One Another (Romans 12:9-10)
Jul 19, 2020Be Loyal to and Value One Another (Romans 12:9-10)Series: One Another Series 2020
Family. For some of us that word brings warm memories. For others it serves to provide difficult memories. But for all of us there is an ideal in our minds about what a family is supposed to be. God wants us to live out that ideal in our relationships with one another in the local church. When we are loyal to one another and when we express honor, or high value to one another in the church we move toward living out the ideal of being part of God’s family.
- Jul 12, 2020Love One Another (John 13:34-35)
Jul 12, 2020Love One Another (John 13:34-35)Series: One Another Series 2020
Love is not just an emotion. It is action for the benefit of another. As we see in Jesus' words and in the passages we will consider that give us a fuller definition of love, it is much deeper than what we may have ever considered.
- Jul 5, 2020Will God Really Meet Our Needs? (Philippians 4:14-20)
Jul 5, 2020Will God Really Meet Our Needs? (Philippians 4:14-20)Series: Lessons in Philippians
Take a minute and think very carefully about what your needs are. If you can survive without something it is not a need. When we boil it all down our basic needs are very simple. God calls for those of us to trust him to be generous and in so doing to trust him to meet our needs. The question for each of us is simply this, are we more dependent on our ability to earn income, than we are our ability to truly trust God?
- Jun 28, 2020Mystery Solved (Philippians 4:10-13)
Jun 28, 2020Mystery Solved (Philippians 4:10-13)Series: Lessons in Philippians
It does not even take an astute observer to realize that our 21st Century American culture is based on consumerism. We are told we need the latest, greatest, newest, fastest, if we are going to be satisfied. And then if we get it, we are quickly reminded that a newer more improved model is on the way. In our passage today we discover the value of God centered contentment. It is the true path toward satisfaction.
- Jun 21, 20205 Building Blocks of Peace
Jun 21, 20205 Building Blocks of PeaceSeries: Lessons in Philippians
A common theme from many sources is the desire for peace. Peace seems to be elusive and yet still sought. In this sermon from Philippians 4:1-9 Pastor Scott looks at 5 building blocks for true peace.
- Jun 14, 2020Staying True to… (Philippians 3:17-4:1)
Jun 14, 2020Staying True to… (Philippians 3:17-4:1)Series: Lessons in Philippians
A very common current phrase is “stay true to yourself.” It is a phrase that leans toward an individualistic approach to life in which one does not let someone else’s standards define who they are. In one sense there is health there. In another sense it is very self focused. We need balance.
- Jun 7, 2020Too Soon to Quit (Phil 3:12-16)
Jun 7, 2020Too Soon to Quit (Phil 3:12-16)Series: Lessons in Philippians
Time and again we have been challenged or inspired by those who have completed a race or some other task against all odds. We celebrate the one who gives that final push to the end regardless the obstacle. Do we have that same drive, that same push in our spiritual lives? Are we tempted to ease up at times? Paul reminds us in this passage that it is always too soon to quit in the pursuit of excellence in our relationship with Jesus.
- May 31, 2020Evaluating Our Priorities (Philippians 3:1-11)
May 31, 2020Evaluating Our Priorities (Philippians 3:1-11)Series: Lessons in Philippians
Many of us have this desire to know our ancestry. Part of that is a curiosity to know our background and part of that is sometimes a desire to be related to someone famous. As interesting as it is to know where we come from or what our DNA test tells us about our background, we need to be careful to not make our pedigree some kind of idol. We will learn today that in light of Christ we all need to rethink our priorities.
- May 24, 2020Two Really Good Guys (Philippians 2:19-30)
May 24, 2020Two Really Good Guys (Philippians 2:19-30)Series: Lessons in Philippians
We each have people who have been and may even continue to be role models for us. Role models don’t go out and apply for the job. They just become, due to their faithfulness, their integrity, their grit, and their positive influence in the lives of those who follow them. In our passage today we learn about two guys that Paul put forth as role models for living in a manner worthy of the gospel.
- May 17, 2020Making A Difference (Philippians 2:12-18)
May 17, 2020Making A Difference (Philippians 2:12-18)Series: Lessons in Philippians
We are very good about making life about us. There is an old adage that there is no “I” in Team. To which someone quipped, but there is a “me.” When we follow Jesus, it is about him. When we look at all we have in Christ, that we did not earn, we begin to understand that when life is not about me, but about us that there is unity that both encourages and strengthens us all as followers of Jesus.
- May 10, 2020It’s Not About Me (Philippians 2:1-11)
May 10, 2020It’s Not About Me (Philippians 2:1-11)Series: Lessons in Philippians
We are very good about making life about us. There is an old adage that there is no “I” in Team. To which someone quipped, but there is a “me.” When we follow Jesus, it is about him. When we look at all we have in Christ, that we did not earn, we begin to understand that when life is not about me, but about us that there is unity that both encourages and strengthens us all as followers of Jesus.
- May 3, 2020Worthy of the Gospel (Philippians 1:19-30)
May 3, 2020Worthy of the Gospel (Philippians 1:19-30)Series: Lessons in Philippians
What does it mean to live a life worthy of the Gospel? To answer that question we will need to understand the concept of Gospel as more than just the good news of Jesus, but as that news which empowers us for daily living. We will need to understand the fact that Gospel is not always a life of ease and comfort and is sometimes trials.
- Apr 26, 2020Something Bigger in Mind (Philippians 1:12-19)
Apr 26, 2020Something Bigger in Mind (Philippians 1:12-19)Series: Lessons in Philippians
It is easy at times to simply focus on our circumstances and miss the fact that God, who is always at work, typically has something bigger in mind. It is when we can take a step back from what we are facing that we may get a glimpse of what God is doing. The Apostle Paul does this in our passage today and as a result can remind the Philippian church that when our unfortunate circumstances serve to advance the Gospel of Jesus, it is a far greater thing than we often realize.