Fall/Winter Bible Study
every other Wednesday
in the PHCC Fireside Room
In the Ancient World, one’s name did not just identify them, but was also designed to reveal their nature and character. As we embark on this study we will discover the unique character of our God and grow in our understanding and knowledge of our creator.

Scroll down to check our Events Section for
a complete list of dates
What to Expect on a Typical Sunday
Each Sunday we gather at 10:00 AM.
We invite all ages to be part of our time together as we begin. However, we understand that it may be more comfortable for Infants and Toddlers to be in a nursery that we provide.
Dress is casual and comfortable.
Our music is a blend of that which is relatively contemporary and traditional
We will dismiss children up through 5th Grade to attend an age appropriate class during the sermon.
Following the sermon all children return to the Auditorium for a time of response to the sermon through song.