Oct 25, 2020
Jude: Stay Strong
Series: One Chapter Gems

- Oct 25, 2020Jude: Stay Strong
Oct 25, 2020Jude: Stay StrongSeries: One Chapter Gems
Often times we emphasize the content of one’s teaching and we will warn against false teaching or a false narrative. The book of Jude is also a warning to folks to beware of false teachers. But his approach does not delve into the specific nature of the teaching. Instead he focuses on the character and behaviors of false teachers. The readers in the First Century as well and you and I today are warned to beware of those who use God’s grace as an excuse to be selfish and sinful.
- Oct 18, 20203 John: Walk the Walk
Oct 18, 20203 John: Walk the WalkSeries: One Chapter Gems
God expects us to not just claim to follow him, but that we actually do so. Our actions should support our claims. Another word for it is to be authentic. In this brief letter we are introduced to three men. Two are authentic, they walk the walk and the description of them is refreshing. The third is a man who is all about himself. We can learn much from this brief letter about what it means to be people who walk the walk in following Jesus.
- Oct 11, 20202 John: Stay Grounded
Oct 11, 20202 John: Stay GroundedSeries: One Chapter Gems
How do you know? How can you tell if what someone believes “squares” with what you understand the Bible to teach? In this brief letter, we discover a core reality of our faith that will help us make wise decisions regarding what others teach. One thing that we see in all of John’s writings in the Bible is an emphasis on the love of Christ and how our obedience to his teaching is our best expression of our love for Jesus.
- Oct 4, 2020Philemon: Useless to Useful
Oct 4, 2020Philemon: Useless to UsefulSeries: One Chapter Gems
Philemon is the most personal letter of the entire New Testament. It is also a very difficult letter in that it deals with a run away slave and for us in the 21st century that brings up a host of emotions. As we look at this letter we will see the compassion of the Apostle Paul and an appeal to Philemon to show unprecedented grace and mercy to one who has wronged him and his household. Forgiveness, compassion, and restoration are among the themes we will see in this letter.
- Sep 27, 2020Obadiah: The Foolishness of Pride
Sep 27, 2020Obadiah: The Foolishness of PrideSeries: One Chapter Gems
We know the truth: Pride does come before a fall. We each have, at one time or another, been the unfortunate recipient of the pain caused by the pride of another. And yet we tend to struggle with this most tenacious temptation. If we are honest we all struggle with pride. It rears its ugly head in so many ways. In Obadiah we see what God thinks of pride and how he deals with it. Hopefully, we will be challenged to make some changes in our own lives.