Nov 26, 2023
Act 4 – A Bigger Plan (Ruth 4)
Series: Ruth: A Four Part Drama

- Nov 26, 2023Act 4 – A Bigger Plan (Ruth 4)
Nov 26, 2023Act 4 – A Bigger Plan (Ruth 4)Series: Ruth: A Four Part Drama
God has a plan. God has always had a plan. Throughout the Old Testament we see God preserving His Covenant promises and preparing the nation for the Messiah. Ruth and Boaz are the great-grand parents of David. Matthew chapter 1 reveals to us that Jesus is from the line of David which ran through Ruth and Boaz. God always has a plan. And in the grand plan of God, He still sees you.
- Nov 19, 2023Act 3 – A Strange Proposal (Ruth 3)
Nov 19, 2023Act 3 – A Strange Proposal (Ruth 3)Series: Ruth: A Four Part Drama
Cultures change. Customs change. In what is arguably the most unique "proposal" in the Bible, we find several realities in play. Trust, vulnerability, grace, compassion, and kindness all display themselves in this most strange proposal and the response.
- Nov 12, 2023Act 2 – Divine Orchestration (Ruth 2)
Nov 12, 2023Act 2 – Divine Orchestration (Ruth 2)Series: Ruth: A Four Part Drama
God is always at work. Sometimes we are very much aware of his work. Yet other times we discover after the fact that God was working behind the scenes. Some have called this God’s Divine Orchestration. As we continue the four part drama of the book of Ruth we discover God’s Divine Orchestration, in the routine of life.
- Nov 5, 2023Act 1 – Faithful Commitment (Ruth 1)
Nov 5, 2023Act 1 – Faithful Commitment (Ruth 1)Series: Ruth: A Four Part Drama
As we begin a four-part series today we are introduced to our main characters in this story. In the midst of what was a tragic and impossible situation, we find Ruth willing to forsake everything she knew in order to care for her mother-in-law, Naomi. We don't know what Ruth knew about the God of Israel, but we see in her character and her choices a person of faithful commitment.